@inproceedings{KutscheraVeiglHoelleretal., author = {Kutschera, Christof and Veigl, Christoph and H{\"o}ller, Roland and R{\"o}ssler, Peter and Ker{\"o}, Nikolaus and Weiß, Christoph and Gr{\"o}blinger, Andreas and Muhr, Hannes and Cadek, Gerhard}, title = {Nicht-intrusive Uhrensynchronisation nach IEEE 1588 f{\"u}r verteilte, eingebettete Systeme via IEEE 802.3/Ethernet}, series = {Tagungsband der ME 2008 - {\"o}sterreichische Informationstagung Mikroelektronik, Wien, 15.-16. Oktober 2008}, booktitle = {Tagungsband der ME 2008 - {\"o}sterreichische Informationstagung Mikroelektronik, Wien, 15.-16. Oktober 2008}, subject = {Embedded Systems}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{KutscheraVeiglHoelleretal., author = {Kutschera, Christof and Veigl, Christoph and H{\"o}ller, Roland and R{\"o}ssler, Peter and Ker{\"o}, Nikolaus and Weiß, Christoph and Gr{\"o}blinger, Andreas and Muhr, Hannes and Cadek, Gerhard}, title = {Background IEEE 1588 Clock Synchronization over IEEE 802.3/Ethernet, ISPCS 2008}, series = {International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 22-26, 2008}, booktitle = {International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication Ann Arbor, Michigan, September 22-26, 2008}, subject = {Embedded Systems}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{HoellerMuhrKeroeetal., author = {H{\"o}ller, Roland and Muhr, Hannes and Ker{\"o}, Nikolaus and Gr{\"o}blinger, Andreas and Veigl, Christoph and Weiß, Christoph and R{\"o}ssler, Peter}, title = {Weltweit kleinste, voll integrierte L{\"o}sung zur Uhrensynchronisation nach IEEE 1588 auf Schicht 2}, series = {agungsband zur IEEE Austrochip 2009, Graz, {\"O}sterreich, 7. Oktober 2009}, booktitle = {agungsband zur IEEE Austrochip 2009, Graz, {\"O}sterreich, 7. Oktober 2009}, isbn = {978-3-9501635-1-3}, pages = {39 -- 44}, subject = {Embedded Systems}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{VeiglWeissIbanezetal., author = {Veigl, Christoph and Weiß, Christoph and Ibanez, David and Soria-Frisch, Aureli and Carbone, Andrea}, title = {Model-based Design of Novel Human-Computer Interfaces, The Assistive Technology Rapid Integration and Construction Set (AsTeRICS)}, series = {4th IEEE Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference (ISSNIP 2013), Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 18-20 February 2013}, booktitle = {4th IEEE Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference (ISSNIP 2013), Rio de Janeiro (Brasil), 18-20 February 2013}, subject = {Assistive Technologies}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{GarciaSolerDiazOruetaOssmannetal., author = {Garcia-Soler, Alvaro and Diaz-Orueta, Unai and Ossmann, Roland and Nussbaum, Gerhard and Veigl, Christoph and Weiß, Christoph and Pecyna, Karol}, title = {Addressing accessibility challenges of people with motor disabilities by means of AsTeRICS: A step by step definition of technical requirements}, series = {The 13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, July 11-13, 2012}, booktitle = {The 13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, July 11-13, 2012}, subject = {Assistive Technologies}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OssmannThallerNussbaumetal., author = {Ossmann, Roland and Thaller, David and Nussbaum, Gerhard and Veigl, Christoph and Weiß, Christoph}, title = {Making the PlayStation 3 Accessible with AsTeRICS}, series = {The 13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, July 11 - 13, 2012}, booktitle = {The 13th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, July 11 - 13, 2012}, subject = {Assistive Technologies}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AcedoSoriaFrischVeigletal., author = {Acedo, Javier and Soria-Frisch, Aureli and Veigl, Christoph and Weiß, Christoph}, title = {AsTeRICS A Flexible Prototyping Environment for Hybrid BCI Applications in End User Environments}, series = {TOBI Workshop III, Bringing BCIs to End-Users: Facing the Challenge, W{\"u}rzburg, Germany, March 20-22, 2012}, booktitle = {TOBI Workshop III, Bringing BCIs to End-Users: Facing the Challenge, W{\"u}rzburg, Germany, March 20-22, 2012}, subject = {Assistive Technologies}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WeissVeigl, author = {Weiß, Christoph and Veigl, Christoph}, title = {AsTeRICS - A Rapid Prototyping Platform for Assistive Technologies}, series = {The International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping (VRAP 2011), 28 September - 1 October 2011}, booktitle = {The International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping (VRAP 2011), 28 September - 1 October 2011}, subject = {Assistive Technologies}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{OssmannThallerNussbaumetal., author = {Ossmann, Roland and Thaller, David and Nussbaum, Gerhard and P{\"u}hretmair, Franz and Veigl, Christoph and Weiß, Christoph}, title = {AsTeRICS, a Flexible Assistive Technology Construction Set}, series = {4th International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI'2012), UTAD - University de Tr{\´a}s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal}, booktitle = {4th International Conference on Software Development for Enhancing Accessibility and Fighting Info-exclusion (DSAI'2012), UTAD - University de Tr{\´a}s-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal}, subject = {Assistive Technologies}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{WeissGroeblingerHoeller, author = {Weiß, Christoph and Gr{\"o}blinger, Andreas and H{\"o}ller, Roland}, title = {Koordinierte Fehlersuche und Tests in verteilten Echtzeitsystemen}, series = {3. Forschungsforum der {\"o}sterreichischen Fachhochschulen (FFH2009), Villach, Austria, April 15-16 2009}, booktitle = {3. Forschungsforum der {\"o}sterreichischen Fachhochschulen (FFH2009), Villach, Austria, April 15-16 2009}, pages = {210 -- 216}, subject = {Embedded Systems}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{WeissGroeblingerHoffmannetal., author = {Weiß, Christoph and Gr{\"o}blinger, Andreas and Hoffmann, Markus and Morawek, Roman and H{\"o}ller, Roland}, title = {Fahrzeuge ohne Elektronikpannen - Fehlersuche in Echtzeitsystemen: Ein Fallbeispiel}, series = {2. Forschungsforum der {\"o}sterreichischen Fachhochschulen (FFH2008) Poster Abstracts, Wels, 26. - 27. M{\"a}rz 2008}, booktitle = {2. Forschungsforum der {\"o}sterreichischen Fachhochschulen (FFH2008) Poster Abstracts, Wels, 26. - 27. M{\"a}rz 2008}, subject = {Embedded Systems}, language = {de} }