@misc{SimeonovPieronkiewicz, author = {Simeonov, Emil and Pieronkiewicz, Barbara}, title = {The Global Math Project}, subject = {Mathematics}, language = {en} } @misc{Simeonov, author = {Simeonov, Emil}, title = {Is Mathematics an Issue of General Education?}, subject = {Mathematics}, language = {en} } @article{HoffmannKuba, author = {Hoffmann, Michael E. and Kuba, Markus}, title = {Logarithmic integrals, zeta values, and tiered binomial coeffcients}, series = {Monatshefte fuer Mathematik}, journal = {Monatshefte fuer Mathematik}, subject = {Integrals}, language = {en} } @article{HoffmanKubaLevyetal., author = {Hoffman, Michael E. and Kuba, Markus and Levy, Moti and Louchard, Guy}, title = {An Asymptotic Series for an Integral}, series = {Ramanujan Journal}, journal = {Ramanujan Journal}, subject = {asymtotic}, language = {en} } @article{HoffmannKubaLevyetal., author = {Hoffmann, Michael E. and Kuba, Markus and Levy, Moti and Louchard, Guy}, title = {An Asymptotic Series for an Integral}, series = {Ramanujan Journal}, journal = {Ramanujan Journal}, subject = {Asymptotic}, language = {en} } @article{KubaPanholzer, author = {Kuba, Markus and Panholzer, Alois}, title = {A Note on Harmonic number identities, Stirling series and multiple zeta values}, series = {International Journal of Number Theory}, volume = {15}, journal = {International Journal of Number Theory}, number = {07}, pages = {1323 -- 1348}, subject = {Multiple zeta values}, language = {en} } @article{KubaPanholzer, author = {Kuba, Markus and Panholzer, Alois}, title = {Stirling permutations containing a single pattern of length three}, series = {The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics}, volume = {74}, journal = {The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics}, number = {2}, pages = {216 -- 239}, subject = {Stirling permutations}, language = {en} } @article{Kuba, author = {Kuba, Markus}, title = {A Note on the generating function of p-Bernoulli numbers}, series = {Quaestiones Mathematicae}, journal = {Quaestiones Mathematicae}, subject = {Mathematics}, language = {en} } @techreport{TeschlTeschl, author = {Teschl, Gerald and Teschl, Susanne}, title = {Einf{\"u}hrung in Mathematica}, subject = {Mathematica}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{Stockinger, author = {Stockinger, Harald}, title = {Biographical information from monasterial archives: Ernst Mach's school year at the Gymnasium of the Benedictines in Seitenstetten}, series = {History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics}, booktitle = {History of Mathematics and Teaching of Mathematics}, subject = {Mathematics}, language = {en} } @book{TimischlSchwaigerHebenstreitetal., author = {Timischl, Wolfgang and Schwaiger, Manfred and Hebenstreit, Dieter and Teschl, Susanne and Prugger, Eva}, title = {Mathematik und Wirtschaft 1-5, Arbeitsbuch f{\"u}r HAK und ausf{\"u}hrliche L{\"o}sungen}, publisher = {Dorner Westermann Verlag}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Technikum Wien}, subject = {Mathematics}, language = {de} } @book{TimischlSchwaigerHebenstreitetal., author = {Timischl, Wolfgang and Schwaiger, Manfred and Hebenstreit, Dieter and Teschl, Susanne and Prugger, Eva}, title = {Angewandte Mathematik 1-5, Arbeitsbuch f{\"u}r HUM und ausf{\"u}hrliche L{\"o}sungen}, publisher = {Dorner Westermann Verlag}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Technikum Wien}, subject = {Mathematics}, language = {de} } @inproceedings{UnterkoflerTeschl, author = {Unterkofler, Karl and Teschl, Susanne}, title = {Reproducibility and verification od real time breath VOCs concentration data by modeling}, series = {Proceedings des Forschungsforum 2017 der {\"o}sterreichischen Fachhochschulen}, booktitle = {Proceedings des Forschungsforum 2017 der {\"o}sterreichischen Fachhochschulen}, subject = {Statistics}, language = {en} } @article{KubaSulzbach, author = {Kuba, Markus and Sulzbach, Henning}, title = {On martingale tail sums in affine two-color urn models with multiple drawings}, series = {Journal of Applied Probability}, volume = {54}, journal = {Journal of Applied Probability}, number = {1}, pages = {96 -- 117}, subject = {Probability Calculation}, language = {en} } @misc{UnterkoflerTeschl, author = {Unterkofler, Karl and Teschl, Susanne}, title = {Reproducibility and verification od real time breath VOCs concentration data by modeling}, subject = {Statistics}, language = {en} } @book{TeschlTeschl, author = {Teschl, Gerald and Teschl, Susanne}, title = {Mathematik f{\"u}r Informatiker, Band 1, Diskrete Mathematik und Lineare Algebra}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Technikum Wien}, subject = {Mathematics}, language = {de} } @book{TeschlTeschl, author = {Teschl, Gerald and Teschl, Susanne}, title = {Mathematik f{\"u}r Informatiker, Band 2, Analysis und Statistik}, publisher = {Springer Verlag}, publisher = {Fachhochschule Technikum Wien}, subject = {Mathematics}, language = {de} } @misc{KingUnterkoflerKocetal., author = {King, J. and Unterkofler, K. and Koc, H. and Teschl, S.}, title = {Mathematical modeling for breath gas analysis}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @article{TeschlBatzelKappel, author = {Teschl, Susanne and Batzel, J. and Kappel, F.}, title = {Modeling the human cardiovascular-respiratory control system with two state delays: an application to congestive heart failure}, series = {Technical Report 191, Spezialforschungsbereich F-003 Bericht, Karl-Franzens-Universitat}, journal = {Technical Report 191, Spezialforschungsbereich F-003 Bericht, Karl-Franzens-Universitat}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @article{TeschlBatzelKappel, author = {Teschl, Susanne and Batzel, J. and Kappel, F.}, title = {Modeling the human cardiovascular-respiratory control system: an optimal control application to the transition to non-REM sleep}, series = {Technical Report 190, Spezialforschungsbereich F-003, Karl-Franzens-Universit{\"a}t}, journal = {Technical Report 190, Spezialforschungsbereich F-003, Karl-Franzens-Universit{\"a}t}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @techreport{Teschl, author = {Teschl, Susanne}, title = {MATLAB - Eine Einf{\"u}hrung, mit L{\"o}sungen}, subject = {Matlab}, language = {de} } @article{BatzelKappelTeschl, author = {Batzel, J. and Kappel, F. and Teschl, Susanne}, title = {A cardiovascular-respiratory control system model including state delay with application to congestive heart failure in humans}, series = {Journal of Mathematical Biology}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Biology}, number = {50(3)}, pages = {293 -- 335}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{BatzelTeschlKappel, author = {Batzel, J. and Teschl, Susanne and Kappel, F.}, title = {Modeling congestive heart failure: a control system model with state delay}, series = {Proceedings of the 5th European Society of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology tri-annual Conference (ECMTB Conference): Mathematical Modelling \& Computing in Biology and Medicine, Milano, Italy, July 2-6 2002.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th European Society of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology tri-annual Conference (ECMTB Conference): Mathematical Modelling \& Computing in Biology and Medicine, Milano, Italy, July 2-6 2002.}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @article{KingKocUnterkofleretal., author = {King, J. and Koc, H. and Unterkofler, K. and Mochalski, P. and Kupferthaler, A. and Teschl, G. and Teschl, S. and Hinterhuber, H. and Amann, Anton}, title = {Dynamic profiles of volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath as determined by a coupled PTR-MS/GC-MS study}, series = {Physiological Measurement}, volume = {Vol. 31}, journal = {Physiological Measurement}, number = {9}, subject = {Breath}, language = {en} } @article{KingUnterkoflerTeschletal., author = {King, J. and Unterkofler, K. and Teschl, G. and Teschl, S. and Mochalski, P. and Hinterhuber, H. and Koc, H. and Amann, Anton}, title = {A modeling-based evaluation of isothermal rebreathing for breath gas analyses of highly soluble volatile organic compounds}, series = {Journal of Breath Research}, journal = {Journal of Breath Research}, subject = {Breath}, language = {en} } @article{KingUnterkoflerTeschletal., author = {King, J. and Unterkofler, K. and Teschl, G. and Teschl, S. and Koc, H. and Hinterhuber, H. and Amann, Anton}, title = {A mathematical model for breath gas analysis of volatile organic compounds with special emphasis on acetone}, series = {Journal of Mathematical Biology}, journal = {Journal of Mathematical Biology}, pages = {959 -- 999}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @article{KingKocUnterkofleretal., author = {King, J. and Koc, H. and Unterkofler, K. and Mochalski, P. and Teschl, G. and Teschl, S. and Hinterhuber, H. and Amann, Anton}, title = {Physiological modeling of isoprene dynamics in exhaled breath}, series = {Journal of Theoretical Biology}, volume = {Vol. 267}, journal = {Journal of Theoretical Biology}, number = {Issue 4}, pages = {626 -- 637}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @article{KubaVarvak, author = {Kuba, Markus and Varvak, Anna}, title = {On Path diagrams and Stirling permutations}, series = {S{\´e}minaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire}, journal = {S{\´e}minaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire}, number = {B82c (2021)}, pages = {28}, abstract = {A permutation can be locally classified according to the four local types: peaks, valleys, double rises and double falls. The corresponding classification of binary increasing trees uses four different types of nodes. Flajolet demonstrated the continued fraction representation of the generating function of local types, using a classical bijection between permutations, binary increasing trees, and suitably defined path diagrams induced by Motzkin paths. The aim of this article is to extend the notion of local types from permutations to k-Stirling permutations (also known as k-multipermutations). We establish a bijection of these local types to node types of (k+1)-ary increasing trees. We present a branched continued fraction representation of the generating function of these local types through a bijection with path diagrams induced by Łukasiewicz paths, generalizing the results from permutations to arbitrary k-Stirling permutations. We further show that the generating function of ordinary Stirling permutation has at least three branched continued fraction representations, using correspondences between non-standard increasing trees, k-Stirling permutations and path diagrams.}, subject = {Kettenbruch}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KingUnterkoflerKocetal., author = {King, J. and Unterkofler, K. and Koc, H. and Teschl, G. and Teschl, S. and Mochalski, P. and Hinterhuber, H. and Amann, Anton}, title = {Physiological Modeling for Analysis of Exhaled Breath}, series = {Volatile Biomarkers - Non-Invasive Diagnosis in Physiology and Medicine}, booktitle = {Volatile Biomarkers - Non-Invasive Diagnosis in Physiology and Medicine}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KingUnterkoflerTeschletal., author = {King, J. and Unterkofler, K. and Teschl, G. and Teschl, S. and Amann, Anton}, title = {Mathematische Modellierung in der Atemgasanalyse}, series = {Schriftenreihe zur Didaktik der Mathematik der {\"O}MG}, booktitle = {Schriftenreihe zur Didaktik der Mathematik der {\"O}MG}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {de} } @article{KingKupferthalerUnterkofleretal., author = {King, J. and Kupferthaler, A. and Unterkofler, K. and Koc, H. and Teschl, S. and Teschl, G. and Miekisch, W. and Schubert, J. and Hinterhuber, H. and Amann, Anton}, title = {Isoprene and acetone concentration profiles during exercise on an ergometer}, series = {Journal of Breath Research}, journal = {Journal of Breath Research}, pages = {16 -- 18}, subject = {Isoprene}, language = {en} } @article{KingKocUnterkofleretal., author = {King, J. and Koc, H. and Unterkofler, K. and Teschl, G. and Teschl, S. and Mochalski, P. and Hinterhuber, H. and Amann, Anton}, title = {The role of mathematical modeling in VOC analysis using isoprene as a prototypic example}, series = {Journal of Breath Research}, journal = {Journal of Breath Research}, pages = {9 -- 11}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @article{KingUnterkoflerTeschletal., author = {King, J. and Unterkofler, K. and Teschl, G. and Teschl, S. and Amann, Anton}, title = {Breath gas analysis for estimating physiological processes using anesthetic monitoring as a prototypic example}, series = {Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc.}, journal = {Conf. Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol. Soc.}, pages = {1001 -- 1004}, subject = {Breath}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{KingUnterkoflerTeschletal., author = {King, J. and Unterkofler, K. and Teschl, G. and Teschl, S. and Amann, Anton}, title = {Volatile organic compounds in exhaled breath: real-time measurements, modeling, and bio-monitoring applications}, series = {The 1st International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care}, booktitle = {The 1st International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Health Care}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{AmannKingKupferthaleretal., author = {Amann, Anton and King, J. and Kupferthaler, A. and Unterkofler, K. and Koc, H. and Teschl, S. and Hinterhuber, H.}, title = {Exhaled Breath Analysis - Quantifying the Storage of Lipophilic Compounds in the Human Body}, series = {Proceedings of ECOpole}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ECOpole}, subject = {Breath}, language = {en} } @misc{KocUnterkoflerAmannetal., author = {Koc, H. and Unterkofler, K. and Amann, Anton and Teschl, Susanne}, title = {Mathematical modelling of blood-gas kinetics'' for validation of breath-based diagnostics}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @misc{PastekaForjanDrauschke, author = {Pasteka, Richard and Forjan, Mathias and Drauschke, Andreas}, title = {Comparison of Mathematical and Controlled Mechanical Lung Simulation in Active Breathing and Ventilated State}, subject = {Breathing Simulation}, language = {en} } @article{SzaboUnterkoflerMochalskietal., author = {Szab{\´o}, A. and Unterkofler, K. and Mochalski, P. and Jandacka, Martin and Ruzsanyi, V. and Szab{\´o}, G. and Moh{\´a}csi, A. and Teschl, S. and Teschl, G. and King, J.}, title = {Modeling of breath methane concentration profiles during exercise on an ergometer}, series = {Journal of Breath Research}, journal = {Journal of Breath Research}, subject = {Modeling}, language = {en} } @article{OlaverriMonrealErreaMorenoDiazAlvarezetal., author = {Olaverri-Monreal, Cristina and Errea-Moreno, Javier and Diaz-Alvarez, Alberto and Biurrun-Quel, Carlos and Serrano-Arriezu, Luis and Kuba, Markus}, title = {Connection of the SUMO Microscopic Traffic Simulator and the Unity 3D Graphic Engine to Evaluate V2X Communication-Based Systems}, series = {Sensors}, journal = {Sensors}, subject = {Traffic}, language = {en} } @article{KrizekLietzeBecketal., author = {Krizek, Gerd Christian and Lietze, Stefanie and Beck, Stefan and Langer, Karin}, title = {Differenzierte Kompetenzmessung mittels eAssessments - Ein Konzept f{\"u}r die Zukunft}, series = {fnma}, journal = {fnma}, subject = {education}, language = {de} }