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Impact of Game-Based Student Response Systems on Factors of Learning in a Person-Centered Flipped Classroom on C Programming

  • Student response systems allow learners to actively contribute to the in-class learning process, while the teacher gets a picture of students’ understanding of the topics at hand. However, not only the teacher is given an evaluation tool, but also the students are able to evaluate their own progress, which is an important aspect in person-centered learning. This paper analyzes the impact of the game-based student response system Kahoot! on a person-centered flipped university course on the introduction to programming and gives recommendations on using quizzes in class. The course was evaluated via anonymous questionnaires before and after introducing regular gamified quizzes. The students’ feedback was extraordinarily positive; the results showed a significant improvement in the satisfaction with the course structure, course design, and perceived suitability of the course material. Hence, evidence found in this research suggests that game-based student response systems provide additional value to flipped classrooms in engineering education.

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Author:Dominik Dolezal, Alexandra Posekany, Renate Motschnig, Theresa Kirchweger, Robert Pucher
Parent Title (English):Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Completed Date:2018/06/25
Responsibility for metadata:Fachhochschule Technikum Wien
Creating Corporation:Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Release Date:2018/12/03
GND Keyword:Flipped Classroom
First Page:1143
Last Page:1153
Publish on Website:1
Open Access:0
Link to Publication:https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327285437
Date of the Talk:25.06.2018
Department:Department Computer Science
Research Focus:Sonstiges