Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (3)
- Lecture (3)
- Article (2)
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- Report (1)
- Augmented Reality (4)
- Virtual Reality (3)
- Digital Factory (2)
- Robotics (2)
- Virtual Engineering (2)
- Applikation (1)
- Assembly Assistance (1)
- Crane (1)
- Digital Twin (1)
- Education Technology (1)
Perspectives on Virtual Reality in Higher Education for Robotics and Related Engineering Disciplines
Industrial engineering education has a strong focus on and affinity towards technology. While Virtual Reality hardware and applications advance and learning behaviour changes, it is particularly interesting to determine the possible use of Virtual Reality for teaching engineering subjects, for example fundamentals of robotics.
This paper presents a study which examines the possible use of Virtual Reality learning environments at higher learning institutions. The study shows perspectives of students and lecturers and identifies opportunities and challenges for the use of Virtual Reality in industrial engineering education. The results of the indicated study show that the participants have a positive attitude towards Virtual Reality and strong motivation for in class use. The study results also suggest, that Virtual Reality content creation should be included in engineering curricula.
Diese Arbeit beschreibt eine Augmented Reality (AR) Applikation für den Einsatz in der Hochschullehre zum Thema Industrierobotik. Ziel ist es, sowohl das Lehren als auch das Lernen grundlegender Robotik-Inhalte durch die Bereitstellung einer interaktiven Methode zur Vermittlung der Lehrinhalte für Studierende zu verbessern. Die Studierenden sind in der Lage, direkt mit dem virtuellen Modell eines Industrieroboters zu interagieren und so selbstgesteuert die Lerninhalte zu vertiefen. Diese interaktive Methode verbindet die Studierenden direkt mit den Lehrinhalten und fördert das selbsterforschende Lernen. Eine weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeit sieht die Kombination einer Lektorenversion der AR Experience mit der Studierendenversion vor. Der Lektor hat die Möglichkeit, das Modell in AR zu steuern bzw. zu verändern und die Studierenden können auf Ihren Mobilgeräten die Änderungen live in AR mitverfolgen, um so auch im Distance Learning eine Verbindung Lektor – Studierende – Inhalt zusätzlich zu Videokonferenz-Tools herzustellen.
Engineering education courses look into processes, equipment and people in order to prepare students to tackle problems in their careers. In manufacturing industry, it is important to use virtual manufacturing tools to analyse processes. This includes both equipment and people. Assembly operations can involve human operators. Modular arrangements of predetermined time standards MODAPTS is a predetermined motion time system method used to analyse assembly processes. Augmented reality (AR) is increasingly being used for industrial processes as well as in education. AR application have been used for maintenance training as a useful way to overly digital instructions to a trainee whilst being able to look at a real object. This is potential beneficial for education. This paper presents the evaluation of a prototype to test a predetermined time standards model using an AR application. An evaluation was carried out comparing AR-based instructions in tablet and PC monitor and paper-written instructions. The results of evaluating the prototype encourage their use as an educational tool in engineering courses.